Thursday, July 22, 2010


This is my new home until we get the interior walls covered with sheet rock and plaster. My first night camping out Julie, my dog, decided to go off hunting while I slipped into bed. The sky was beautiful with a partial moon glowing behind a couple of clouds. Other than a couple of clouds I could see the night stars. Here it is so dark at night you can see the Milky Way. This is beautiful I thought to my self as I settled into bed. Then I heard a growl in the darkness. It was not a dog growl. I thought Julie must be out there harassing some critter so I called her into the tent. A short time later I heard another growl somewhere near my tent. Julie lifted her head with her ears erect but did not bark or move. This freaked me out a little and I could not fall a sleep. So I took my flash light and dog and went in doors.
The next day I told my sister Ellen, her husband Wade and his brother Stan the story of what had happened. They all laughed and said it was probably a bull frog. Stan amused himself by plopping his loaded 38 special on the table in front of me and said "here, take this".
Two days later as we returned from dinner we came across the next door neighbor and we stopped to say hello. She asked if we had seen the bears. "Where?" we all asked. She pointed and said "in my backyard. Up the hill." She was pointing in the direction of my campsite. I smacked Wade in the back of the head and said "Ha!"
It is Monsoon season and my temporary roof patch at the junction of the existing house and the addition leaked like a sieve. Until I can get the roofer in to install the permanent roof, I can not have the interior walls sheet rocked. The roof is my first priority.